We are now offering team prizes for the event! The top three teams in each section (all 10 of them) will have their top 4 scorers win plaques, and the first-place team in each section will get a team plaque for the school.

Deadlines to register are fast approaching. November 2nd is the deadline to sign up for the early entry fee and to qualify for the free one-day Warmup tournament to be held on November 7th. The Warmup event is highly recommended. November 10th is the last day to register for the two-day Championship (November 14th and 15th). Six sections play on Saturday the 14th. Four sections play on Sunday the 15th. All sections will play under the same format, which is a seven-round Swiss, with time control of 15+5 (15 minutes + 5-second increment per move).

Registration and more information is available at https://www.kingregistration.com/event/tcaonlinestate2020 also https://www.chesskid.com/article/view/texas-state-chesskid-online-scholastic-championship

TCA contacts are Franc Guadalupe (flguadalupe@aol.com), Renate Garcia (renategarcia1@gmail.com), and Barb Swafford (barbrounds@gmail.com).