Notice is hereby given that the annual Junior Chess Meeting of the Texas Chess Association will be held at 8:00pm on Saturday, March 1. It will be held in conjunction with the North Texas Scholastic Championship at the Vista (formerly Vista Ridge or Music City Mall) 2401 S. Stemmons Freeway, Lewisville, TX 75067.
Members may attend the meeting in-person or by video conference. A link to the Zoom meeting will be posted on the website at a later time. All members (except Junior Tournament Members and Affiliates) who are at least sixteen years of age and residents of Texas at the time of the meeting are eligible to present motions and vote.
Only motions directly affecting junior chess can be approved at the meeting. However, other motions may be discussed, and a straw poll may be taken.
The deadline for submitting advance motions is 11:59pm on February 9. Please submit all advance motions using the submission form.
For inquiries, please contact: