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Text of the Agenda

The junior chess meeting of the Texas Chess Association will be held at 8:00 pm on Saturday, March 1 at the North
State Scholastic Championship to act upon and consider the business described below:

  1. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
  2. President’s Report
  3. Vice President’s Report
  4. Financial report by the Treasurer
  5. Advance Motions
    a. Allow Flexibility for Girls Regionals (Caleb S. Brown)
    b. Allow Scholastic Club Teams at TCA Scholastic Events (Caleb S. Brown)
    c. Texas EB Members on the TCA Board of Directors (Lakshmana Viswanath)
    d. Bylaws Dispute and TCA Filing US Chess Complaint Against TCA (Tom Crane)
    e. Motion to Ratify Texas Title Policy (Louis Reed)
  6. Any other business properly presented at the meeting
  7. Open Forum on Scholastic Chess
  8. Announcements
  9. Adjournment