Greetings fellow Texas chess fans,
Once again, thank you to all of our contributors. Without the content that they submit, we would not have a magazine. We are always on the lookout for more content. Please send your annotated games, stories, tournament results and photos (please provide accreditation information) to As I am writing this, from my self-imposed social distancing platform, I hope that you are all well and in high spirits. As you all are keenly aware, many of our over the board events have been postponed or canceled outright, but we will get through this because we are all Texans (even if you’re new here) and chess will be there for us again!

On a lighter note, just prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, I had finished working the GM and IM Round Robin norm events at the Marshall Chess Club in Manhattan before making my way back to Texas. This was the final requirement needed towards me obtaining the FIDE Arbiter (FA) title. I could not have achieved this requirement had it not been for my wonderful friend, WIM Beatriz Marinello, FA Bryan Quick and all of the fantastic staff members at the Marshall Chess Club.
The Marshall is truly one of America’s sparkling chess gems and once we all get passed this current challenge, you should definitely consider a visit. They hold many events each week and you are certain to get worthy challenge as the club is a frequent haunt to many strong players including the likes of IM Jay Bonin, coauthor of “Active Pieces: Practical Advice from America’s Most Relentless Tournament Player”. Until next time, stay healthy, play chess online or with family, enjoy some quiet time and be sure to wash your hands!
Louis Reed