Retaining his title from 2010, NM Jeff Reinberg won the Texas Action Championship in Waco on July 22, 2023. Reinberg led the field with 4.0 in five rounds. NM Austen Green, Kevin Liu, John T. Capps, and Logan Shafer tied for second with 3.5 points each. Anirudh Kumar won the U1600 section with a perfect 5.0. Rohan Dash won the U1000 section with a perfect 5.0.
The event, organized by Innovative Chess Solutions, returned after a 12-year hiatus. One hundred-eight players from around the state participated in the state championship event. Chief TD Caleb Brown and Reinberg are pictured above. All photos by Deborah Shafer.
Reinberg and Green also tied for first in the Texas Blitz Championship side event.