
Tom Crane, Chris wood, Norma Guerra, Troy Gillispie, David Harvey, Jim Hollingsworth, Renate Garcia, Anthony Guerra

Opening Remarks

Tom commented on Texas Knights cover page and told Renate the parade picture was great. Rules of the teleconference, use mute if not speaking. Not in the agenda, Jeff French as editor has resigned. If someone knows a good person to be an editor, please reach out to Tom Crane.

Background checks

Tom has not setup this committee to interact. Tom will email them and engage the committee. Needs email addresses. Renate to provide them. Norma Guerra will join the committee. She has experience with background checks through the school system.

Status of By-Laws

Eddie, Luis David, Forest team working the By-Laws. They need to be ready by State, March 2019. Any changes need to be voted on by the committee. We would like to add P&L transparency added to the by-laws. Need to see them by January 31st – be prepared to discuss on February conference call.

How do we count our members

Open discussion followed. Proposed changing how we define TCA membership as anyone with USCF membership. Chris and Jim would like to restructure memberships: tournament memberships and additional level for those who want to participate. Proposed changing who can vote in future elections. You must be have enhanced membership which controls who can vote. Jim stated if he could show more participants, he could get bigger donations. Renate pointed out we already have a tier system in place. Renate would like to see more TCA tournaments to show value to joining TCA. TCA insurance policies – look at risk/benefit. Chris says its easier to get the insurance than to book the hotels. Tom pointed out its getting people to participate. Norma stated most clubs already have the insurance. Nation Wide – go through the USCF. Tom will take the action to see what the TCA insurance covers.

USCF Delegates

Tom is looking for members who will be attending in August 3rd through August 11th.

Financial Report

Tom is looking for a CPA to run an audit. Tom to take an action to get a quote to do the audit from his CPA contact.

TCA- Growing TD Skills

Taking Texas State and Amateur and Southwest Open out of the Metroplex.  The Southwest Open in 2019 will move to South Austin. This will create training opportunities for TD growth. The Texas State and Amateur will get a lot of support. Looking for someone to run it. Looking for people with limited experience to grow their leadership skills. Tom is thinking Houston area and how it will be structured.

Regional Reports

Open Discussion. Region 10 is having a regional event. We have no director in this region. 26th of January Eddie is looking at this date. We do have another booking on this date. Tom is working through the issues and will select a director in the near future.

Tom’s Closing

Tom recapped background checks. We engage the committee to kick off discussion. By-Laws committee to wrapped up by January 31, 2019. Discussion about membership options. Tom will look at getting a quote to do an audit. Bids still open on Tournaments listed on Facebook.


The meeting was adjourned by Tom Crane at 9:15pm.

Minutes submitted by: Lonann French, Secretary, TCA